Case Management (CM)

CAH case managers help clients navigate effectively through the health system and community support services to refer the client and/or caregiver to appropriate services, whether these are CAH services or other services in the community that can meet their needs.

We are all working together to assist the French-speaking community in navigating the continuum of health care!

Who needs case management?
CAH case managers meet two types of needs in the community.

First, all clients using CAH services benefit from the attention of a case manager who develops an individualized care plan for them based on a formal, standardized assessment of the client’s level of autonomy and refers them to the appropriate services to meet their needs. Depending on the case, he or she may also offer assistance at appointments.
Second, case managers assist Francophone adults in navigating the health and community support system.

For more information, call 416-365-3350, ext. 242 or email us at

Good to know
Our case managers also respond Monday to Friday to all requests sent in French to the Toronto Seniors HELPLINE/Ligne d’assistance pour aînés de Toronto (416-217-2077 or 1-877-621-2077). This line is managed by the Toronto Central LHIN to assist seniors and their caregivers navigate the health and community support system. Note that you can also call this line in the evening or on weekends. The Toronto Seniors HELPLINE team will then provide you with an interpreter in French. (Their interpretation services are available in more than 100 languages.)

Cost of case management
This service is free of charge as it is funded by the Toronto Central LHIN (Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care).