Local Health Integration Networks (LHINs) are not-for-profit organizations with a mandate to plan, integrate and fund health services within 14 specific geographic regions in the Province of Ontario . The LHIN’s work with local health providers and community members to determine the health services priorities of our regions. They are guided by the Health Integration Act, and report to the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care.
Les Centres d’Accueil Héritage (CAH) is part of the Toronto Central LHIN. In 2008-09, the Toronto Central LHIN funded 196 unique health service providers that provide a variety of services: community support services (which includes CAH), a community care access centre, community health centres, hospitals, long-term care homes, and mental health and addiction services.
In May of 2011, CAH signed an accountability agreement with the Toronto Central LHIN for the next two years.
Download the Multi-Sector Service Accountability Agreement for 2011-2014